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BEn oster

Major: Civil Engineering / Physics

Year in School: 5th Year

Year in House: 1st

Position: Alumni Relations

Hometown: Eau Claire, WI

Favorite Hobby: Watching sports, working out,

                             playing games, getting outside

Favorite House Meal: Gyros

about me

Hello, my name is Ben Oster and I am from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I am my parents' 6th of 8 children, and favorite. I also transferred from UW-Eau Claire, this year being by 5th year of college and 1st year at Madison and Babcock. I am double majoring in Physics and Civil Engineering, so I spend most of my time studying and working on homework. When I am not working on homework, I enjoy complaining about said homework, but also doing some fun stuff like playing games, watching sports, and just hanging out. I am looking forward to a fun year!

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1936 University Ave

Madison, WI 53726​​


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