Donate to the Babcock House!
Donations to the Babcock House operating budget can be made at any time by sending checks to Babcock House at the address below. If your donation is being made in memory of someone, please include this information so we can recognize the contributions in our Alumni newsletter. Babcock House is a 501c3 organization and donations are tax deductible and qualify as charitable gifts fulfilling the Annual Minimum Distribution (AMD) for retirement accounts.
Babcock House
C/o Alumni Board Treasurer
1936 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53726
Babcock House also has a scholarship fund with investments managed by the UW Foundation. Each fall, the Alumni board awards Tuition scholarships to returning Babcock House student members who applied in the spring. Scholarship recipients are chosen based on their alignment with certain named scholarship criteria, academic achievement and involvement in Babcock House . Donations to the scholarship fund can be made at any time to the UW foundation Fund # 132040860.
UW Foundation
Fund 132040860
1848 University Ave
Madison, WI 53726